Published on 7 January 2025 at 19:11

Why is it that we all want to have what the Jones have? 

A new car, new house, new clothes, new shoes, beauty, etc.

Consider yourself lucky if you have a car or a house, many don’t.

New shoes, new clothes, they are all old the second you buy them.

The list can go on for miles. All of it is physical things that shouldn’t matter.

Why sweat over the latest fad that is here today gone tomorrow?

Why do so many worry about the beauty on the outside?

It should be the beauty on the inside we are working on.


Well, it all boils down to Gratitude. We are rarely grateful for what we have, we always want more.

I’m not just Preaching to the Choir here, I fall in that same category as well, I think we all do to an extent.


Maybe we should take our wants and instead fill someone’s needs. Reach out to someone, not everyone

might be as lucky as you. Give your time to volunteer somewhere, maybe buy someone some shoes or

maybe pay for their groceries…

I Promise you it feels good when you do…

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